Monday, July 29, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong - Your Story

Kim Hyun Joong, one of the biggest solo korean artistes in kpop, has shed his flower-boy image from “Boys over Flowers” completely with the release of his new “Your Story” MV. The song, about love-lost and grief over what once was, features love scenes of him and the girl, interspersed with moody cinematic shots of the roaring sea, the stormy wind across his abs, and yes, the piano where they “bonded” over.

Firstly, completely objectively, I have to say this. The cinematography was amazing. I loved it. Even during the love scenes, the mood lighting was great, the shots were on-point. I liked how they tied the love-making on the piano to the waves+wind pounding against it in the juxtaposed scenes. Very subtle yet romantic. It helps that I love the idea of love-making on a piano. But that’s another story altogether.

However, did I think that all the love scenes were necessary? Honestly, I thought that they could have replaced some of it with a bit more of a storyline. For example, I thought the scene where he removed his shirt was too overt and literal. Instead, I was actually hoping for a sorrowful story with this MV. Like the epic Brown Eyes “Already One Year” MV, or Kiss’ “Because I’m a girl” MV. Even Gummy’s “As a man” MV! Something that would make the lovemaking scenes even more meaningful and impactful and romantic. I thought his “Please” MV had more of a storyline, but what I want is something truly epic. Like a mini movie within the song.

Flesh-against-flesh is hot. But beyond that, what we need is the gravitas that belies the action. That elevates it from flesh to passion. Bringing meaning into the movements.  I also wanted a better female actress (although this leads me to my next question: who casted her, was it the director, or did Hyun Joong have a say? And, where can we apply for the next role? hahaha)

Seriously though, I have no problems with Hyun Joong doing his love scenes. In fact, as a discerning viewer, I appreciate them haha, as long as they’re done tastefully and sizzingly hot. But what I really wanted was for Hyun Joong to use the MV as a way to showcase his improved acting skills.

To make a huge impact and create a talking point among fans and non-fans, but for the right reasons. I think that this MV has the potential to be controversial. But, it’s not the kind of controversy that I want for him.

Thankfully though, non-fans have actually been less harsh than fans (so far). Maybe it’s because it hurts them less, and actually pleasures them more. Hahahaha (It’s true, my fellow fangirls!! For people who are just casual viewers, this is probably akin to watching Brad Pitt seduce and pleasure the girl in “Troy” for example haha)

From a fangirl standpoint though, I can understand the turbulence of emotions now. Hyun Joong always had this flower boy sweetness to him, no matter how tough he was. But with his various solo works, his looks have taken on a maturity. It’s like his innocence or a part of something you loved is slowly being replaced with a grown-up man who has passion and needs,

But really, has it?
We all know how he is as a person. How since his young days, he’s been tough as nails, working his way to earn his own money while staying on his own after leaving home. How his SS501 members have said that he is actually really manly. Completely different from his pretty-boy looks.

And also how he has never once tried to delude  fangirls into believing something that he is not. He has said, more than once, about how he doesn’t want his fans to say “oppa I want to marry you”, and instead encourages all his fans to go find good men to marry, and how he says his pregnant noona fans can come to watch his concerts although it might shock their babies haha.

He has also never pretended to be a man without needs.

With such honesty from Hyun Joong even from way before, I’ve always said to my friends that being a Hyun Joong fan requires a really strong heart. A true Kam Shim Jang. Because he never takes the predictably safe route. I think this MV is another thing he went ahead to do, simply because it is in line with his beliefs that we should all live our lives to the fullest, both him and us. We say we don’t mind if he gets a girlfriend, or gets married. And this is a true test of that. Can we really remain as fans even in the face of this? Can we really handle it once he announces his girlfriend, or his wife? Haha

Let’s also not forget that he is a Gemini, who constantly seeks versatility and creativity. And, he shares the same June 6 birthday as HyunA, who is also known for enjoying putting on sexy performances and pushing the boundaries as such.

I don’t think we should belittle any fangirl’s pain after watching this, accusing them of not being true fans. I actually think they are pretty much serious about him, to be so hurt by this! A non-fan wouldn’t care. I’ve always thought that liking a celebrity very deeply is akin to having a crush on someone, just that this crush is pretty much beyond reach. So, it makes sense how much the heart must hurt, seeing your crush doing unholy things with another female. But really, what matters most is how you choose to respond to these feelings and reflect them into positive things.

I think Hyun Joong, despite his maturing needs and adulthood, is still the Hyun Joong we love (and continue to love). Looking at his adorableness on Barefoot Friends (which to me is a real-time reflection of how his personality is like now), he is still the same cuteness + manliness + bravery + determination personified. A little more tanned, a much shorter hairdo. But, the inner core is still the same.

Musically, for me, I thought this urban R&B remix of “Your Story” was really great (I am still repeatedly streaming the MV on Youtube as we speak!), and it’s something I can listen to over and over again.

But I think he needs to decide on and confirm his own sound and flavour, for something that is uniquely Kim Hyun Joong. He needs a solid differentiation from other solos and amazing stand-out tracks with a greater depth to his voice, to be regarded as truly great by non-fans and the general public.

I love love love “Please”, “Be good to me” etc, and it would be great if he goes that route musically, while still hitting it up for dance tracks. But I would also have loved for him to incorporate an even stronger korean sound within at least one of his tracks, to tie-in with the traditional-modern inspiration of “Unbreakable”, and make the imagery even stronger.

The next challenge for Barefoot Friends, Hyun Joong’s new ensemble variety show, will be to create their own song and write their own lyrics. It’s not an easy challenge, compounded by the fact that it’s actually something Infinity Challenge (Korea’s top variety show) has created into an anticipated bi-annual event.

Seeing how there will be a lot of comparison to IC, I really want Hyun Joong to rock this. I want him to show everyone what he’s made of. I want people to sit up and take notice and go, “Wow. Kim Hyun Joong totally made me view him in a different way”, just like how GD did when he took part in IC’s songwriting fest.

Maybe he could incorporate the MV storyline concept I mentioned above, if they have to do mini-MVs for the songs.

All I want is good things for Hyun Joong.

I want to see the praises rising, and I want him to excel in his work, and continue to do what he loves.

I want it to be truly “good things happening to good people”.

As long as Hyun Joong stays healthy, positive, humble, kindhearted, humorous, I believe that success will continue to come his way.

Go chase your dreams Hyun Joong! We’ll be here with you (as long as you don’t do a Yoo Ah-in, Bae Yong Jun or Jo In Sung and film an R-rated flick. We’ll really need to have a good talk then, young man. Haha)

More power, more hope, more success to you, Kim Hyun Joong!

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